DoubleTap Dramas-video

The gun industry has no shortage of drama. Last month the inventor of the Double Tap pistol dropped his manufacturing partner Heizer Defense because of their inability to manufacture the much delayed pistol. Richard of Gun Holsters & Gear spoke to Heizer Defense who claim the real reason they did not manufacture the pistol was because of safety and ergonomic issues …
According to Bruchas, Heizer Defense refused to let the DoubleTap pistol go into production due to a variety of design problems. Among them were an unspecified safety issue and an extremely uncomfortable grip design. Bruchas intimated that the team from DoubleTap wanted to go into production even with the safety concerns unresolved and without any changes to the grip design.
DoubleTap Defense dispute this saying “Ray Kohout’s design is one of the safest and most simplistic firearm products on the market”.